In this page, for the presentation of Materiales JAFranch,

we wish to inform you that the purpose of our company is

the Sale and Export of Building Materials.

In the other pages, we show you how to get the best profit from our services.

We introduce the persons in our team, and also some samples from our catalog.

In adition to that, we present our blog posts, and how you can contact us, too.

Apart from that, and with our wish and hope that you like our opinions,

we are pleased to share with the motivations originating our VISION and MISSION.

Materiales JAFranch, SL

Good ideas in Building Materials
the keyboard is very important for building materials


“Thoughts generate Beliefs.
And then, Beliefs produce Behaviors.”

Therefore, we believe that we can improve the state of the World
with the products and services we offer.

Since 1987, date on which we created our company,

We have exported more than ten thousand containers full of building materials.

Surely, with them, the environment of the place has improved

and also the life of the people who have used them.

Therefore, we think that with your collaboration we can improve the World.

Thank You.

Wood as a building material
the appropiate building materials for you

to be your supplier of Building Materials

Frankly offer you a good service
to build a more pleasant place to live in.

Here in Castellón (Cdad. Valenciana – Spain) most of the factories producing

building materials, in particular tiles, are located.

That’s because the surrounding mountains provide

the clay that is used as raw material for these products.

It is also an agricultural area where different varieties of oranges are grown.

Since this is favored by the good weather in the area,

and the composition of the lands where they are planted.

In addition, we have beautiful beaches, full of high apartment blocks.

Therefore, here we are very lucky.

But we want to share our good fortune with you.

How? Offering you honestly our services.

So that, collaborating together,

we both help build a more pleasant place to live.

Thank you.

Images by:         Music: The Refreshments-Yahoos and Triangles
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